BREAKTHROUGH is a film that will push past your emotions and resonate with your spirit to believe in the power of love in its highest form. You’re probably thinking that this is just another “Christian” movie but there’s more to this cinematic drama than what meets the eye. And to be quite honest, I was pleasantly surprised to witness the compelling storytelling involved that had literally everyone in the theater shedding a tear or two. For some reason, we were all quite emotional to learn the miracle behind a boy and his family that defeated the odds to overcome death and regain life once more.
Producer Devon Franklin (Miracles from Heaven) worked with screen adaptor Grant Nieporte (Seven Pounds) to bring the book, BREAKTHROUGH, written by Joyce Smith to life in a way that gives this film a permeating presence that’s undeniable to your heart.
Joyce Smith (Chrissy Metz) and Brian Smith (Josh Lucas) are two loving parents that desire the best for their adopted son John (Marcel Ruiz), as he makes his way through a stage most parents fear, the teenage years. Despite the push back and assertiveness this young man gives, Joyce and Brian continue to love their son unconditionally.
Unfortunately, one day a tragic accident occurs when John and his teenage friends refuse to heed a warning as they slip and slide on an icy Missouri Lake. What appears to be careless fun turns into a nightmare as John falls below the ice into freezing temperatures that are deathly to a human body. The local firefighters arrive to secure the safety of the boys however one man, (Mike Colter) discovers that life is far from ordinary and this rescue is no coincidence.
Joyce Smith begins to put her faith into action subconsciously as she screams to God and requests that He save her child. Miraculously her prayer is answered although the uphill battle towards recovery is just beginning. This is the mother bear everyone needs when you are fighting in the trenches of life.
Overall, BREAKTHROUGH is a film that will sneak up on you and teach the importance of taking an inward look at your existence as a human being. Forgiveness, stubbornness, and humility are key points that grabbed my attention at best. Although Joyce was a little stubborn in her pattern of wanting to control everything, her willingness to forgive and sit within humility shined bright upon her purpose.
BREAKTHROUGH enters theaters Wednesday, April 17 and it’s a must-see film that everyone should embrace.