Let me start off by saying, ?”Congratulations” to Russell Wilson and Ciara. I am extremely happy and overjoyed to see these two engaged. For some strange reason I almost shed a tear. Why am I so emotional? In my mind, Ciara is my MVP. A single Mommy Valuable Player. Let me explain…
Ciara endured the Embarrassment:
If you don’t know by now, Ciara was once in a relationship and engaged to a rapper named Future. A lot of people questioned the love that was formed between these two, due to Future having commitment issues with the mothers of his children.
Well, the engagement was called off and the aftermath got quite ugly. Social media became a battlefield and viewers had the opportunity to witness this turmoil. Despite the horrific disappointment, Ciara gave birth to a handsome son.
I’m sure during all of the mockery and shenanigans she was humiliated. Humiliated at the fact that she allowed herself to become vulnerable. So vulnerable, that her love life was displayed for the world to see and ended up in shambles. And to top it all off, she had to put on her “big girl panties” (like the seasoned folks used to say) and be a mother to her child during a heartbreak. But through it all, Ciara made it and is a living witness that other single mothers like her can make it too.
Prince charming shows up:
Who knew, after all Ciara went through she would end up with Russell Wilson? Now we all know there are no perfect people in this world, but Russell Wilson is a God send. God sent this man at the right time. The church folks refer to God with this saying, “He may not come when you want Him but He’s always on time!”
What single mother wouldn’t want a Russell Wilson? Did you see that ring? I gasped. He appears to be, and I believe a good role model for her son. What single mother wouldn’t want to meet a Godly man that will set a positive example for their child? Let alone step in and act as the stepfather. And he is nicely built and looks good in a suit. I’m sorry, I forgot to mention that he is willing to wait on having sex with you due to his spiritual beliefs. I gasp again. MVP.
Love is patient:
Ciara didn’t give up and she is right where she needs to be, in God’s timing. Then again, if Russell Wilson appeared at my door I wouldn’t give up either. LOL. In some ways her story is like a fairytale but it happened in real life. Russell and Ciara took their time getting to know one another despite the naysayers. The scripture in Corinthians 13:4-7 below sums it all up.
o that is why Ciara is my single Mommy Valuable Player. I would love to attend this wedding and watch my MVP shine in her moment. I pray God continues to bless them both, as they embark upon this next chapter in their lives.

< lt;video ]<< age & Video Source: Ciara's Instagram<< p>< /p>