In the Pot Sports

The U.S. Women’s 4x100m Relay Drama

The US Women’s 4×100 relay team has given me inspiration. Watch the video below.


Stay in your lane
The US Women’s 4x100m relay team competed in the 8/18/16 qualifying race, so that they could eventually compete in the finals to win a Gold medal. But guess what? You won’t believe what happened… Allyson Felix got hit. A Brazilian runner stepped out of her lane and bumped Allyson Felix as she is getting ready to pass the baton. This occurrence totally throws Allyson off kilter and the U.S. baton toss becomes an epic fail. What do you do when you’re minding your own business and someone tries to distract you from your finish line? Be like Allyson and finish the race.


Finish the race
Don’t give up! I repeat, don’t give up! Yes, they thought the American team was over and done but what God has for you is just for you. Allyson remembered the rules and told her teammates to finish the race. Therefore when you finish, you can protest and declare that you were wrongfully eliminated. The U.S. Women’s 4×100 relay team won their appeal and now their second chance has arrived.


Your time will come
The time to beat was China’s 42.70s in order to qualify for the finals. Guess what? The U.S. relay team completed the race in record time of 41.77s, ahead of China and the entire list of qualified teams! Now they can race for the Gold medal.


What am I trying to say…
1.) It doesn’t matter what your opponents say or do to throw you off of your destined assignment. Stay in your lane and keep running.

2.) Finish the race. I know they don’t like you, but finish anyhow. Keep running. You never know what will happen if you quit, so keep running.

3.) Your time will come when redemption will have your name all over it. Go ahead and let them boo. Just realize everyone is not going to like you and it’s okay. Someone else will love you and think you’re fabulous. ?

Watch the final of the 4×100 race Friday, August 19 to see who walks away with a Gold medal.



Video Footage: NBC Olympics