On November 3, 2017 it’s 9:00 a.m. and Downtown Houston, Texas is already buzzing with Astros fans. Horns are blowing wildly through the streets as eager Houstonians grab their lawn chairs to mark a spot on the parade route. Everyone is dressed in Astros gear or team colors to represent a team and a city that has endured so much over the past few months.
When Hurricane Harvey devastated Houston and the surrounding areas by inundating Southeast Texas with 19 trillion gallons of water, many families and businesses lost all of their possessions. The recovery process is long and arduous however, the Houston Astros brought joy and excitement to our hearts as we watched them battle against the Boston Red Sox, New York Yankees, and the Los Angeles Dodgers to become World Champions. There is no greater feeling in the world than to watch someone become victorious after suffering a major personal defeat.
It is estimated that at least 300,000 fans packed downtown Houston to celebrate the first World Series Championship in the City of Houston and the State of Texas. The Houston Independent School District allowed their employees and students to take the day off to enjoy the festivities. Other school districts in the area did not fair out so lucky.
The parade took off with a zoom as fighter jets flew above our heads to signal the start. Bands from Texas Southern University, University of Houston, the Astros Coca-Cola Shooting Stars cheerleaders, Mayor Sylvester Turner, players, coaches, family and friends marched and floated down the route as the crowd cheered in celebration.
After the parade, attendees moved a couple of blocks over to City Hall for another celebratory moment as the Astros team, city officials, and political representatives gave proclamations declaring November 3, 2017 as Houston Astros Day in the City of Houston and the State of Texas. Although Houston had a small preparation timeline to plan this event, it was safe and fans had an absolute blast. View photos and a video from the celebration below. Enjoy. Go Stros!