Commentary Entertainment In the Pot The Roux

African American Authors For Children & Young Adults

In my other profession, I am known to be what they call a “Black Unicorn” walking around on earth. This unique term is used when someone recognizes you as being the first black ___________ (insert career) that they have encountered in their lifetime. In some parts of the country, Black men and women that choose to work in fields that are majority represented by caucasian people can be a task that is greater than we have ever imagined.

At times the pressure of always having to prove yourself or your worth can be exhausting. Nevertheless, I take pride in showing other Black boys and girls that you can choose a different path and succeed.

Through the years, I have had the opportunity to listen to Black authors share their stories and how they continue to light the way for young minds of all races to blossom. Therefore as an advocate for literacy among our youth, I would like to recommend a few book authors that highlight the richness in our culture and elevates the voices of black children through an identifiable lens.


“Juneteenth For Mazie,” is a picture book written by African American author Floyd Cooper. When I have an opportunity to read books aloud to kids during the summer, I always share this historical story to enrich their lives with knowledge. Children enjoy listening to this book, and the questions about the reading are endless.

Many adults may not know or understand the implications of why June 19th is celebrated across the country. In 1863 Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation declaring freedom for all slaves. However, it wasn’t until two years later on June 19th, 1865, when slaves residing in Galveston, Texas, learned about their newfound freedom via an announcement from Union troops. Therefore emancipation for all could freely flourish in the United States. Creating the dialogue for our youth to learn American history lets them view the past, comprehend the present, and prepare for the future.


I had the esteemed pleasure of meeting the author Nikki Grimes and she is an absolute delight. As a lover of poetry, “Words with Wings” captivates young readers through verse with its message of encouragement and hope during a time of uncertainty.


Gabby’s world is filled with daydreams. However, what began as an escape from her parents’ arguments has now taken over her life. But with the help of a new teacher, Gabby the dreamer might just become Gabby the writer, and words that carried her away might allow her to soar. Written in vivid, accessible poems, this remarkable verse novel is a celebration of imagination, of friendship, of one girl’s indomitable spirit, and of a teacher’s ability to reach out and change a life. 



Author Kwame Alexander creates a path for Black boys to see themselves in a unique poetry style format. “The Crossover” series of books will take you on a journey of discovery and encourage reluctant readers to soar beyond their limitations.


Josh and his twin brother Jordan are awesome on the court. But Josh has more than basketball in his blood. He’s got mad beats too, beats that tell his family’s story in verse. But both brothers must come to grips with growing up, on and off the court, as they realize breaking the rules can come at a terrible price, resulting in a game-changer for their entire family.



This book is a staple within my “Let me introduce you” to poetry and Hip-Hop. Hearing the voice of legendary poet and author, Nikki Giovanni, lends this work of art a beautiful musical masterpiece in my eyes. Children of all ages will appreciate the classics and poets that speak to us through rhythm, rhyme, and song.


HEAR poetry’s rhymes and rhythms from Queen Latifah to Gwendolyn Brooks, Langston Hughes to A Tribe Called Quest and more! * Also hear part of Martin Luther Kind’s original “I Have a Dream” speech, followed by the remarkable live performance of the speech by Nikki Giovanni, Oni Lasana and Val Gray Ward. * The Hip Hop Speaks to Children CD contains more than 30 performances, either by the artists who created them, or as unique interpretations by admiring poets and artists.