The Roux

Free Learning Apps for Kids

When I saw Ciara’s son, Future Zahir, using one of my favorite apps my heart fluttered. Endless Alphabet is a great way to introduce early literacy to young children in a fun way. I love how the creators, Origination Inc. use play through learning to keep kids engaged. My son used this app when he […]


A Tale of Two Betrayals: Lakers Scandal

This fiasco had me pondering in thought. I had to ask myself, what is a teammate? We normally consider the people on a team, whether it be professional or personal, to coherently and competently get the job done. Do the work to help the company or group reach success.   The Los Angeles Lakers have […]


Respect My Vote! Initiative

The main purpose of this post it to encourage everyone to exercise your right to vote. You can’t complain about an elected candidate if you choose not to participate on Election Day.   Therefore regardless of your political party preference, it’s important to educate this new generation about the political process and how their voice […]

The Roux

Are you depressed?

Margo Jefferson, Pulitzer Prize-winning writer & literary critic, shares an insightful explanation about depression. View the video below to hear a different perspective about this mental illness.   I am not a doctor nor do I choose to act as one. What I do realize is that many people need help but are afraid to […]



Let me start off by saying, ?”Congratulations” to Russell Wilson and Ciara. I am extremely happy and overjoyed to see these two engaged. For some strange reason I almost shed a tear. Why am I so emotional? In my mind, Ciara is my MVP. A single Mommy Valuable Player. Let me explain… Ciara endured the […]


Can Beyonce Live?

So, once upon a time there was an international singer songwriter from Houston, Texas named Beyonce. Many people adored her and thought she was amazingly talented. Until one day, she was asked to grace the stage of the NFL’s Super Bowl 50 half time show. Instead of doing a mundane “I’ve seen it all before” […]


Top 20 Teen Slang

Using the play on words of the band Huey Lewis & the News, are you too hip to be square? If you walked into a teen conversation or read a text message, will  you understand at least 75% of the verbiage? If so, kudos to you. You are officially crowned, “A Boss.” Meaning you’re on […]