Commentary Entertainment In the Pot The Roux

Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner Signs Executive Order Against Deadly Force Use

The City of Houston hosted the public viewing and final homegoing celebration for George Floyd June 8-9, 2020 at the Fountain of Praise church. During the funeral service Houston Mayor, Sylvester Turner, paid homage to the Jack Yates High School graduate and vowed to bring about change through formative action to prevent another senseless killing […]

Commentary Entertainment In the Pot Light Up the Room The Roux

The Breonna Taylor Memorial Scholarship Fund

The University of Louisville recently announced in collaboration with the its Black Student Union, a Breonna Taylor Memorial Scholarship Nursing Fund. The scholarship is a four-year renewable award that will cover full tuition and fees. Future recipients of this honor are focused on the demographic of a Black female Kentucky resident. In case you may […]

Commentary Entertainment In the Pot The Roux

Online Voter Registration & Deadline Information

Did you know that some states allow their residents to register to vote online? Glitter&Gumbo would like to contribute a convenient resource for all to access if you desire to make a difference with your political voice. View the pdf document below and download to share with others. If your state is not listed, online […]

Entertainment In the Pot Movies The Roux

Films That Depict The Black Experience

The following films depict the various aspects of the Black Experience in a culturally historic format. Add these films to your watch list for an informative journey through the color of our skin. DA 5 BLOODS From Academy Award® Winner Spike Lee comes a New Joint: the story of four African-American Vets — Paul (Delroy […]

Entertainment In the Pot

Mike Phillips Will Perform In D-Nice’s Club Quarantine

On Sunday, May 24th from 3-5 PM EST world renowned saxophonist, Mike Phillips, will take over D-Nice’s Instagram Account and give a special Club Quarantine performance. Mike released a new album titled “PULLING OFF THE COVERS” which highlights classic jazz with a mesh of the 70s Quiet Storm, 80s funk/R&B, 90s hip-hip, and an all-time […]

Commentary Entertainment In the Pot The Roux

Graduate Together: America Honors the High School Class of 2020

Congratulations to the Senior Class of 2020 on the accomplishment of completing your high school academic requirements, and not allowing a pandemic to stop you from celebrating this great achievement. Although it would have been ideal to walk across the stage wearing your graduation regalia, with family and friends in attendance screaming your name, all […]

Commentary In the Pot The Roux

Born To Win

Webster’s dictionary defines the word Born as -brought into life by the process of birth, having certain qualities or characteristics from the time of birth, or brought into existence. The word Win is defined as – to achieve victory in a fight, contest, game, etc. , or to get (something) by effort. When you put […]