Update: Resource: 1898 Wilmington Race Riot * First American Coup
Deep in my spirit, I felt a circus was coming to town, and therefore I needed to prepare my snacks for the upcoming watch party activities that would ensue. We all visually witnessed more than we could imagine on January 6, 2021; however, a significant degree of disdain resides in the magnitude of protection given for this attempted coup.
Have you ever visited a government building in Washington, D.C.? If so, you are quite familiar with the waiting period it takes to receive an invitation inside a prestigious building that is generally closed to the public. Speaking from experience, we’re typically required to provide a lot of personal information. A background check is given as an allowance to walk into the White House, where you cannot touch anything or take pictures.
So, when I saw these domestic terrorists show up to Congress after being welcomed and incited by a racist leader, Donald J. Trump, who has severely lost his mind, I wasn’t surprised. What shocked me is the pure vandalism and disregard of breaking and entering into Congress as if it were a Piggly Wiggly!
I had a WTF moment when everyone across the world witnessed no haste in the policing of domestic terrorists. They are allowed to frolic around government buildings freely without any consequences for their unfathomable behavior. And arrests? What arrests? Last time I checked, there were less than 20 that occurred after the smoke cleared. These jokers broke into Congress and went home with a coupon or mail from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office. Indeed a WTF moment.

Remember when Porsha Williams from the Real Housewives of Atlanta and Freedom Fighter Tamika D. Mallory and her activists walked onto Senate Leader Mitch McConnell’s front yard in Louisville, KY? The police were ready in advance and had every officer prepared to handcuff, arrest, and prosecute the people sitting criss-cross applesauce to protest the unlawful murder of Breonna Taylor. So I shall ask a rhetorical question when I state, why were the Capitol police and local officers not ready yesterday, January 6, 2021?
And yes, this is America. A reputation of the people who believe that not all people are created equal. The representatives whose blood boils underneath their skin as they continually perpetuate the rhetoric of lies and deceit to match their hidden agendas of greed and power. You can’t tell me this is not who we are when Maya Angelou clearly stated in her quote, “When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.”
The next question is, what are we going to do about this America that keeps showing its ugly head? When you admit there’s a problem, it is only then you can at least try to resolve it besides putting a band-aid over a nasty wound that has severely cut us to the core. Words alone will not heal this land; actions must follow to secure the freedoms our ancestors died for on our behalf.

As a Black woman in America, I’m pissed that cities across the country afforded more effort, more significant arrests, and heightened protection during the Black Lives Matter movement. The BLM is a modern and poignant moment in history. Black people and other supporters peacefully protested and stood up for the right not to be killed in America by police officers who judge you based on your skin color.
Yet, domestic terrorists are given the freedom to walk down East Capitol street to do as they please. The sheer blasphemy is sickening and disgusting to the families of Tamir Rice, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and many more who are no longer here to fight for the justice they so rightfully deserve.
And the Republican senators that blatantly bow down to the president’s deceptive plan as he salivates at the degree of power he now holds for 13 days is treason to all Americans. Taking John F. Kennedy’s words and defiling them by portraying the sentiment, ask not what you can do for your country, but what you can do for yourself. Therefore, these senators hope to secure future political aspirations at the hands of anyone willing to fall for their deceitful practices. And these same Senators will walk around as if none of this happened when the next administration is sworn-in. We must not forget.
Sadly, domestic terrorists will carry-on their lives and daily activities as if nothing ever occurred. They will be allowed to go back to work, sit behind a desk, and hide behind their clownery because of the privilege factor. Privilege, the word from recent experience, some people feel doesn’t exist because their eyes and skin tone are normal with no day-to-day disruptions of racism. The old people used to say, ‘You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.” So I’m tired and completely worn out with explaining what privilege is and why being non-confrontational is a sad excuse to give a Black man or woman racially profiled for a crime they didn’t commit.
In conclusion, I sincerely want to congratulate Senator-elect Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff for flipping the Senate and bringing judicial power back to the American people who want to see the good in our country. And most of all, thank God for President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, who will be sworn into office as the new administration on January 20, 2021. The road ahead will not be easy, but I’m glad a reality show President will no longer have the power to treat American citizens like contestants on a game show.