Commentary In the Pot Sports

The Saga Continues: Houston Texans Are Toxic

On March 16, 2020, the world of Houston Texans fans had shifted to a whole new dimension. DeAndre Hopkins, the 27th pick in the 2013 NFL Draft, transitioned from the Texans organization to the Arizona Cardinals in a historic trade for the books. It was like the Cardinals found a pair of 50% off red bottoms at the resale shop. This deal was a steal! Real Houston Texans fans were thinking to themselves, “WTF?” Many wanted to believe this was a sick joke, and we would wake up from this nightmare when, in reality, the truth hit us hard in the face.

It had taken me some time to put into words how truly disgusted I am with the Houston Texans, especially when Head Coach Bill O’Brien gave a weak a** response that Hopkins “wanted more money” in contract negotiations. Oprah Winfrey is known for quoting the great Maya Angelou when she states, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” We understand who Bill O’Brien is as a coach, and it is deafening to our ears and painful to our hearts every time he makes a foolish move. Yes, everyone makes mistakes, but when egos and power trips get in the way of you making sound decisions, your leadership becomes toxic AF and unbearable.

What I can’t understand is who in their right mind thinks Bill O’Brien should be a Head Coach and GM? This is a rhetorical question; however, it makes no sense! For those who say, get over it, or that we should just let it go and rally behind the team have no idea the mess Houston football fans have put up with over the years. I fully remember in 1996 when the Houston Oilers were shipped off to Nashville, Tennessee and became the Titans. The uncanny feeling of football disappearing in the City was strange. Then in 2002, football came back to Houston, and the strength of our sports town was renewed.

Witnessing Quarterbacks David Carr and Matt Schaub’s subpar skills gave us false hope that would indeed melt our wishes for a chance to dance at a Super Bowl Championship. Then in 2017, our prayers were answered when General Manager Rick Smith helped bring Clemson phenom quarterback, Deshaun Watson, to Houston. We were all thinking our time to finally shine had arrived. Only to realize a team effort doesn’t just work on the field; it’s the people on the sidelines and those that make decisions in the meetings and boardrooms that genuinely put the T in a team. A football organization is only as good as the people who are working behind the scenes to keep everything afloat and running smoothly.

Deshaun Watson and the OG players deserve so much more than what is provided. It’s as if the Texans are running flat and continuously putting spare tires on a three-year-old luxury car. How do you expect the car to drive at it’s fullest potential when you keep allowing cheap parts as you attempt to operate your transportation on a long road trip season. This is ridiculous.

In the end, most Houston Texans fans are dealing with a syndrome of broken trust. No matter how you slice it, dice it or dress it up to make it look good, our confidence in this organization is done. There’s another saying, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” We’ve been duped and hoodwinked so many times by Bill O’Brien and the Texans organization, that the clown mask is now appearing on our faces. And that right there is why I’ve had enough and rallying behind this team is difficult.

I wish Deshaun Watson the best and hope that change will someday come to him as a Texans QB or in some other shape or fashion on another team if needed. I will miss that spark of fire Hopkins and Watson had on the field and will miss watching Hopkins catch some insane passes that must be shown in slow motion to fully grasp the genius of this wide receiver. The Cardinals, Titans, and Saints are the NFL teams that will receive more love on my end. They say loving two is hard to do, but I’m willing to try with three.

Anywho, this is my commentary, and I meant every word I said.