Entertainment In the Pot


Multi-Grammy Award-winning singer-songwriter India.Arie released her new single “That Magic” which is featured on her forthcoming album WORTHY available in February via Songbird/BMG. Co-produced by Aaron W. Lindsey and Branden Burch, India states, “It’s a song about love. It’s about finding someone who opens your doors with their touch.”

India Arie is the type of artist that speaks to my spirit and helps me transition through life via the words and melodies found in her music. This woman taught me that the hair on my head doesn’t devalue the beauty I possess within. And it’s okay if you don’t look like the average girl on the video, because we all need to get ourselves together so that we may heal our bodies and soul. Come on, now!

And sometimes we may need a reminder that true love still exists in this cold world, and India is one of the greatest spokespersons to do so. I am delighted and overjoyed to hear the new phase of existence she will share when her latest project is released.

Listen to the new single below:

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