Beauty Commentary In the Pot Light Up the Room The Roux

The Beauty of Being Unbothered

Unbothered is an action word that is always in motion. It is forever changing and thriving upon the experiences we face in life that cause us to question our every move. As I get older, the magnitude of exercising this unique trait is beneficial to my progress.

The seasoned folks used to say, “People will talk about you until the day you die. Make sure you give them something worthy to talk about.” When we take our eyes off people and their criticism of who they think we are, it is similar to allowing ourselves to grow and blossom into a beautiful butterfly.

So, I pattern my state of being unbothered to that of a butterfly. You see, the caterpillar isn’t concerned about its initial appearance during the stages of growth. It crawls along slowly minding its own business, doing what it is designed to do; being an inept and unattractive organism. If the caterpillar had feelings, it would hear the mean comments and negative connotations it encounters daily during this initial stage. However, it refuses to allow anyone to stop its movement.

Caterpillars feed off of their surroundings to build a strong foundation that will support their adulthood. In human form, I encourage you to feed off the negativity by straining the tidbits that provide surprising nutrients that will assist you in the long run. For example, someone may say, “She doesn’t know what the hell she is doing!” Strain that negative comment to read, “She’s doing it; keep going.” Because the ‘know; can be learned, although the tenacity and perseverance to hustle like a boss is a gift.

Sometimes, you must form a pupa around yourself to block out the conditions that will stunt your growth. Locking yourself up with the nutrients, information, studies, research, and more during life phases will help. If it doesn’t sit well with your spirit, you gotta let it go. Only keep what is beneficial.

In God’s timing, the caterpillar eventually emerges as something unexpected. The caterpillar does not appear as it began. We see the beauty in the end, but the ugliness had to initially come forth too.

So go out into the world and be great. Yes, you will hear discouraging noise, but don’t allow that to block your blessings. God has great things in store for you. Keep going.