Commentary The Roux

When Life Gives You Hennessy, Add Lemon

So often we familiarize ourselves with the quote, “When life gives you lemons make lemonade” mantra however, in my opinion, this statement would solidify the sour/tart visionary approach.

It’s time we examine the hit you in your chest Hennessy moments of life, that cause you to pause and reflect on the deep nature of occurrences. A lemon is ideal and can be used to create a great market of lemonade consumers. But let’s be real, drinking Hennessy straight with no chaser is strong and not your average bear so to speak. This market constitutes the individual that’s been through some s***.

How do you bounce back from family members wreaking havoc upon your name? Or the friends you considered loyal are now turning their back on your existence as a human being?

This post is not a call to go out and drink your troubles away. I’m metaphorically analyzing the gut-punching realizations we may face and desire to help us all overcome with an interesting perspective.

Hennessy is created from wine and turns into a cognac after it has gone through an aging process. Therefore this signifies the need for us to go through difficult stages to reach our destined fermentation and distillation stage of being powerful beyond measure.

The quality of who you are as a spiritual being is aligned to your process of pain. Once you internalize the chest deep disappointment and recognize its true value of providing a lesson towards your purpose, your viewpoint will change. It no longer becomes a why me? statement but a what am I supposed to learn initiative. Adding a lemon creates that finishing touch to signify the glass of life is being uniquely garnished with citric acid and vitamin C to strengthen your approach.

In closing let’s try to focus on recovering from defeat and using that as gas to pay for our victory. Cheers to pushing through it all.