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A Boss Chick Working 9-To-5 Conflict

It’s time we discuss the disturbances being an entrepreneur and working a 9-to-5 will exude. Unfortunately for me, my boss chick mode overshadowed my regular employee lane and your girl was put in her place.

Here’s the story… I am an entrepreneur. For the first time ever, I can say this statement with confidence and have no doubt this is what I’m destined for. The road to entrepreneurship is not easy however I take pride in building a business that will hopefully sustain itself in the future.

With that being said, I’ve endured a lot of trial vs. error methods, setbacks, come ups, reconfigurations, and a plethora of things that come with running a business. There is still so much more to learn but I love it! For instance, after speaking with my CPA and realizing he wouldn’t be able to help me fully get the job done, I had to step up and become my own advocate. By the grace of God, my situation was handled and I felt empowered.

So recently while working my 9-to-5 we endured a chaotic situation that had everyone on edge. Our anxiety levels were high and the main goal was to get people out safely and then venture home to our family. Being a problem solver is one of my true gifts. After all the hell I’ve been through experience is a great teacher too.

After noticing the chaos I step in to assist and teamwork begins. Then boom, problem A is handled. Problem B occurs and a group of us including a lower superior, all agree our next move is critical. The Boss Chick, she is me, decided to step in and make things happen swiftly and smoothly. While in the process of completing this initiative, I was reprimanded for not speaking with a higher figure for my actions.

This moment blew me away. I was floored because my heart was pointed in a positive direction. Nevertheless, the lower superior backed me up and pleaded with the higher authority to show me grace and love. I was also woman enough to apologize for overstepping my boundaries and not consulting with the top leader. I now see how my actions could be misconstrued.

Therefore I had an epiphany that my business attitude is creeping over to my 9-to-5 and it’s causing some conflict. Normally in other companies or work settings this isn’t a major issue however, where I reside this is not an ideal atmosphere.

Will I quit? No, not at this time, but I now see it’s best to shift that energy towards my business and not the 9-to-5. Balancing the two is quite a challenge and I’ve been giving more to my employer and less to my future expansion. This conflict woke me up. Don’t get me wrong, I am an excellent employee, won numerous awards for my work ethic, and I do my job well. The Boss Chick in me is now beginning to show and she may not be well received. This experience is dutifully noted.

Well, thanks for reading and I’ll close out with the one and only legend Dolly Parton singing the ultimate classic, “9 To 5” for your listening pleasure.