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Unapologetically Me: Why Loving Yourself Is The Best Valentine’s Day Gift Evah!

Self-Love is an under-appreciated gift many lose sight of along the way of life’s journey. I know Valentine’s Day allows us to show love towards another, however, I challenge you to thoroughly investigate the methods of how your heart is being kept. Ponder upon these questions for clarity:

Have you forgiven yourself?
Despite the frailties one heart can endure, we all deserve love at its fullest potential. That love may not come from a significant other but from someone who can see our greatness within. We all have fallen short and made mistakes that we deeply regret. The problem comes when we sit in that seat of unforgiveness. If an offense has occurred against you, forgiveness is not for the other person; it’s for you.

Are you willing to walk unapologetically as the woman you’re meant to be?

Some people will not like you. Let me say that again; there will be people in your life who don’t like you because they don’t like themselves. Find peace in the authenticity of your soul. May your quirkiness, weird traits, and a keen sense of style compel you to thrive unselfishly. Being confident is a process that requires activation daily. You may not roll with confidence 24 hours a day; however, you need to have at least one moment during the day in which you say, “I did that!”

This Valentine’s Day, whether you’re married, engaged, divorced, or single, make sure when you’re giving love to others, don’t forget about yourself.